Sunday, September 13, 2009

What makes an idea important?

If some hundred years ago, one person could cover almost all the information existent in the world during one's lifetime, today this is obviously not the case. The amount of information is expanding at an exponential rate, yet our capacity to process it pretty much stays the same (I'm referring here strictly to our brain capacity). Sure the perspective is that a new breed of computers is about to take charge but we're not there yet, so we still have to manage decision making on our own. So how do we deal with this much information? How can we really grasp the most important ideas that are out there and build the future upon them? My logic tells me that the higher our capacity to really get the most important aspects of our existence, the better the future will look like, and sooner. Now when I'm referring to a better future I envision one for the whole species.(About this, maybe in another article). If my logic is faulty, well I'll go on anyway, just for the sake of it.

So, I believe that it could bring us great benefit if we could learn to spot the most important ideas out there and use them. Therefore the question I'm tinkering with in this article is:
What makes an idea important? (or how TED put it What makes an idea worth spreading?)

To start, let's clarify what an idea is.
Well, for ease of use I'll paste bellow the definition given by the dictionary (which I believe pretty much covers it):

1. any conception existing in the mind as a result of mental understanding, awareness, or activity.
2. a thought, conception, or notion: That is an excellent idea.
3. an impression: He gave me a general idea of how he plans to run the department.
4. an opinion, view, or belief: His ideas on raising children are certainly strange.
5. a plan of action; an intention: the idea of becoming an engineer.
6. a groundless supposition; fantasy.
7. Philosophy.
a. a concept developed by the mind.
b. a conception of what is desirable or ought to be; ideal.
c. (initial capital letter) Platonism. Also called form. an archetype or pattern of which the individual objects in any natural class are imperfect copies and from which they derive their being.

Before moving on, I should also clarify what I understand by an important idea. Well, I think that by important I'm really saying “with a high impact” whether positive or negative. The next question is: Impact on what? I said in the beginning that it might be nice to find a way to understand the most important ideas, in order to take the best decision that influence the future of the humankind. So there you go, searching for ideas with the highest impact on our living. With this out of the way, I'm coming back to the definition of the idea.

While looking at the numbered definitions pasted above, it occurred to me (d'oh) that ideas can be hierarchized. I never thought of this before. The notions (that will be a type 2 idea) were there, I just never made the connections to get to this understanding (type 1 idea).
So a group of more ideas can be connected and generate a new one. I don't think that this new idea is necessarily more complex, on the contrary I believe that the higher we go on the hierarchy, new levels of abstraction are created and that tends to simplify things. Anyway this is probably another subject.

There are some type of ideas, that I find particularly interesting:

While ideas of type 2 are pretty simple, and although they're used as building blocks for other type of ideas, they're not powerful enough to stand on their own. However if they're proven wrong they could become pretty important, since this will bring down all other ideas built on them.

Now there are ideas of type 4. Beliefs, I think, are actually a nucleus of one or more core ideas that act like a force well, adding new layers of weaker, gravitating ideas (views and opinions) and together, in some cases, can create a small dictatorship inside our brain. Beliefs are important because they control our actions, and even more important, sometimes they have the power to prevent new ideas that can threat them in some way from occurring. With the capacity to influence our actions and our perception of new ideas, I'd say beliefs can have some deep impact into each individual life and scaling, on the whole society.
I'm not saying that all beliefs are bad, they can go both ways, but they are powerful and they should be watched.

Now, what are the differences between beliefs, opinions and views? Well, I think they all pretty much fall in the prejudices category, ideas that we have and take for granted without testing them periodically. There may be, although, a difference of nuance, and I'm referring to their level in the hierarchy, that the lower the level they are found at, the bigger their span of action. While beliefs, I think, are at a lower level and so influence a wider area in our thinking, opinions and view being at a higher level may influence a more specific part of our reasoning, but also their number may be greater. Pretty much like a solar system, with the beliefs being the sun and opinions gravitating around them. I'm not sure if there is any difference between views and opinions, right now I tend to say no.
I may be going too deep with this and may be talking about something I don't completely understand, but probably this is what exploring is all about. Anyway for the sake of the current topic I think this will suffice.

Another, also powerful, type of idea is type 1. I'm talking here about understanding ideas, about the change of perception that puts our existing ideas in a new light, or projects them from another angle and new connections emerge, therefore, new ideas. So an understanding is actually the birth of a new idea. An important understanding, I think, is that which tinkers with a group of ideas already in a stable structure, like a belief system. When this happens, a belief system can crumble like a castle made of playing cards, though this rarely occurs. However understandings can also help strengthen beliefs or help create them. (Here we should pay great attention to confirmation bias, since beliefs favor more the ideas that tend to confirm their core idea than the ones that disprove it).
When connected ideas are more loose, or maybe more outwardly oriented, innovation occurs, in the form of new ways to do things or, maybe more important, new things that can be done. However, innovation can be achieved also in thinking, that is coming up with new ways to think at things. The latter, I believe, is a particularly important type of innovation.

Up to this point, everything pretty much happens by chance, there's no general pattern, no guiding force to make us search for understandings, which are desirable, being the only ones that bring fresh new ideas to life, since we've seen that beliefs isolate ideas and hardly accept new ones. Idea type 7b, the vision or goal is of great help. I think we need to have a goal, an ideal towards which we should move, to polarize us and dictate the general direction. Now, I'm not talking here about a fixed, absolute ideal in the communist stile, but about an open one, actualized according to the current environment and facts. Probably these kind of ideas come also in hierarchies, from more specific ones to the more general, but anyway, I think that our ultimate goal should be to constantly optimize our way of life (no wars, no unnecessary complications like money and other control tools) and to try to understand what this Universe has to offer. I mean, what possible other goal could we have?

So, where did I start and where have I arrived? Yes, I was talking about what makes an idea important or what type of ideas are important. Well, after wondering in the Land of Ideas, seen some interesting species, I think it's time for a classification. Stand back, here it goes:

In the inverse order of their significance:

-Notions – simple, building blocks for other ideas, not much of an impact at a global scale

-Views, Opinions – they pretty much represent a fixed point of view regarding a certain aspect, but the really important question is, are they open to new ideas or do they tend to block them? If they do block, watch out, cause there may be some bigger monster that lurks behind

-Beliefs – some hardcore or even hard coded ideas, pretty hard to debug / debunk, they can influence our behavior and the way we receive new ideas, tend to accept only ideas that confirm their view. Beliefs are not always bad, only if they prevent other ideas from forming. If they enforce an open-mind kind of thinking and actually make sure that some ideas do not try to take over the control, and offer the chance to every idea to make itself heard, and democratically be validated by reason and logic, those are good beliefs

-Understandings – actually new ideas forming, there should always be a flux of new ideas coming in while other outdated ones are ruled out; they can bring innovations and revelations; we should always look for them, to actualize our mental model of the world

-Goals, Ideals,Visions – very important, because they give us meaning, and direction, and keep us in constant motion, also come in two flavors: closed selfish ones, and open cooperation based ones

I think that open is always better then closed, global always better then local (when it comes to ideas). So highest impact ideas? I'd say those that influence our behavior, our capacity to accept, and search for new ideas, also those that can impact our way of living. All ideas that influence these in a positive or a negative manner have the same importance, the only difference is that we should always go through a process of self actualization and try to get more good ideas in and the bad ones out. So, as a general pattern, I think, that ideas that influence our way of thinking are the most important ones, because through our actions they can influence the behavior of the whole system we call human society. Once an idea finds its way in a large number of skulls, and remember, we are billions, its impact can be very powerful, especially if it enforces/is/weakens a belief. I'd say it's actually a battle between ideas that form closed belief systems and those that form open ones (those that favor constant optimization of the way we live and think, through new understandings and innovations).
I must confess that I strongly believe our only way to live happy, free, joyful lives, is for all of us to adopt an open belief system.

As final word, I would like to express my belief that if every human on this planet would understand and act according to the principle that our individual actions can influence the life of all others because we all are parts of a bigger complex system, everything will be better.

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